Our mission:

Creating environments for resilient communities to thrive.

The Planning Application is in!

Now we need your help. Between 13th January and 3rd Feb 2025, the application is open for comments from the public. Submitting a Letter of Support is a powerful demonstration of positivity and they are not often seen on major planning applications.

We have written some guidance notes and a template letter to assist, but you are very welcome to write your own.

And you can still sign our petition:

Or Join us as a supporter member:

Gŵyr Community Land Trust (Gŵyr CLT) is a volunteer-led community enterprise, run by local people and embedded in the Gower and Gower fringe community, Swansea. We are committed to democratic decision making, running as a not-for-profit membership organisation owning and developing land for the benefit of the community. With a membership open to local people who share the organisation’s values and aims, we can use local contacts and gather public support to unlock sites that would not usually be available for development.

About Us

Our Goals

Genuinely Affordable

Our houses will be affordable for local people forever.

We will use a community-led approach which will be driven by local people, members and residents.

Community-Led & Community-Built

We will create zero-carbon houses which enable truly sustainable lifestyles.

Low Impact Living

We will use a cohousing design to create a strong, supportive, healthy and resilient community.

Designed For People Not Profit

We will create a new and successful model for sustainable, community-led housing in Wales.


Live Project

Gŵyr CLT is working towards building a cohousing site of 14 households, with a common house containing shared facilities, and outdoor space for play, food production and wildlife.

The site will be pedestrianised as far as possible, with peripheral car parking, creating a safe and sociable public realm. A larger shared garden will be prioritised, with only small private gardens associated with each house.


We send out newsletters to keep everyone up to date with all the latest updates.