When we have openings for new members, (resident and non-resident) you will find the relevant information in our Policies section.
Our Members
Gŵyr Community Land Trust (Gŵyr CLT) is run entirely by local people, with external support from support organisations and housing and development profesionals. We are committed to finding a solution to the lack of affordable housing in the Gower and Gower Fringe area where we live, work, volunteer and where our children go to school.
Within the group, we have extensive experience in setting up and running businesses, project management, and in the planning, design and construction of buildings, including housing.
Our members are multi-generational, including young couples, families with children, single-persons and families with additional needs. We run businesses, work in the private, public and third sector and are active members of the Gower community.
Corporate and Organisational Structure
Gŵyr CLT is incorporated as a Community Interest Company (CIC), limited by guarantee. Three of our members are registered with Companies House as trustees, and are legally responsible for the actions of the company. Two of these trustees have overall responsibility for spending and account keeping and are signatories on our bank account. CICs are non-profit organisations and are therefore asset-locked.
Gŵyr CLT uses sociocracy as a tool for decision making and organisation, with 5 separate Working Groups. Each working group has a representative on the Steering Group, who is entrusted to relay decisions and information between groups. From time to time, ‘task & complete’ groups emerge when defined tasks need to be undertaken, for example funding applications.
Board of Directors
Our board must consist of a minimum of three and maximum of six directors. We have four current directors, appointed by the membership for their reliability, skill sets and experience.
Emily Robertson
Has over 15 years experience project managing third sector organisations in the Refugee Support, and Violence against Women and Girls sectors.
Adam Land
Has experience as founder and managing director of The Ground UP CIC as well working for four years for Down to Earth as a lead facilitator on construction based programmes, working with trainees and vulnerable adults on multiple large scale builds, including social housing. Adam holds an MSc in Sustainability in the Built Environment.
Tasha Aitken
A qualified architect with experience working for ethical and sustainable social enterprises, Down to Earth Construction and Hill Holt Wood, focusing on accessible and sustainable build methods using local and natural materials, including designing and building social housing.
Jill Hazelwood
Jill is a long term Bishopston resident who has many friends within the community and family. She has worked for over 16 years in Swansea's Pupil Referral Unit supporting some of Swansea's most vulnerable young people. Jill is a new member of Gŵyr CLT, having joined during its first open membership call and feels very lucky to be a part of this project.
Working Groups
Led by Tasha, this is the largest and most active working group. It meets fortnightly, looking specifically at design, construction methods and build phase logistics, as well as organising trips and giving design presentations to the wider group, to get everyone up to speed in preparation for starting on site. It also manages the relationships between Gŵyr CLT and the professional design team. Membership includes an architect, carpenter and builder, as well as other interested members.
Design Group
Led by Jill, organises visioning weekends, recruitment and looks out for the continuing welfare of our members.
Membership Group
Led by Adam, ensures that the organisation complies with legal requirements, and aligns with (or challenges!) national and local policy, as well as developing our own policy commitments.
Legal and Policy Group
Finance Group
Led by Steve, does what it says on the tin!
Communications Group
Led by Emily, keeps on top of the website, mailing list, networking and internal communication.