APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED - Thank you to everyone who applied to become a resident member, we were blown away with people’s enthusiasm and interest in joining our project. If spaces become available, we will advertise them here on our website.
There are two types of membership of Gŵyr CLT:
Becoming a supporter member is a simple and valuable way to give your support to GCLT and help guide and drive our vision forwards. Membership allows you to show your support, join our annual AGM, vote on important decisions and receive information about our journey in our regular newsletter. To become a member, please read the terms & conditions and sign up via this online form available below.
Supporter Membership
Resident Membership
Resident membership is available to people intending to live in an affordable home provided by GCLT. Spaces are limited to the number of homes currently available. If space becomes available, anybody with a local connection and in housing need as defined by Swansea Council can apply to join, as long as they agree to abide by our Membership Policy. Applicants will be selected based on their local connection & level of housing need.
As a CIC abiding by co-operative rules, Gŵyr CLT’s decisions are made primarily through a consensus process. If an agreement is not reached, to avoid the stagnation that pure consensus decision-making can cause, each member can express either agreement, consent or an objection to a proposal, in line with sociocracy principles. You can find out about how Sociocracy works at Sociocracy For All.
GCLT is entirely run by our members for the benefit of the communities and natural world of Gower and the surrounding areas, through community ownership of land and assets. Our members are therefore integral to our vision to create and enhance community-owned assets which benefit the entire community.
Becoming a supporter member is a simple and valuable way to give your support to GCLT and help guide and drive our vision forwards.
Membership allows you to show your support, join our annual AGM, vote on important decisions and receive information about our journey in our regular newsletter. To become a member, please read the terms & conditions in the document available here, and sign up via this online form.
The membership offer is for non-resident supporter members, i.e. people who want to support GCLT but are not applying for homes through GCLT.